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Xavier Mendoza • Apr 20, 2020

A small pebble thrown into a pond.
A small seed planted in the soil.
A small switch in an aircraft.
A small infant resting in its mothers arms.
A small speck of sawdust in the eye.
a small nail in a tire.
A small bullet in a firearm.
A small animal in a foreign market.
It is not often we think of the big impact such small things can make. Small is small, right?
Over the years I cannot count how many times I have coached people in the areas of “small.” How the bigger things in life are always impacted by the smaller, finer, more minute details. There is no way around it.
On the positive end we see how the seed planted produces vegetables, which then produces sustenance for human life. We can see how the small switch in the aircraft closes the electrical current allowing the jet engines to be powered. And after birth we see how that tiny little baby resting in its mothers arms gives such overwhelming joy, making all the months of pain worth every moment.
On the opposite end of the spectrum we see how a tiny little particle can be such a great hinderance, pain, and annoyance when it settles in our eye. We see how one little nail can create such a big pain in the butt and take up much more time than the one millisecond it took for it to puncture a tire. the small piece of lead in a firearm has the ability to save life and take life… Human life! And as we all see recently, one little animal, in one market, in one area of the world has the ability to impact the entire world in such a profound manner.
Small things have huge impact.
We must carefully consider the behaviors and patterns (habits) we adopt in life, no matter how big or small. When doing so, we must keep in mind that the small behaviors and patterns we adopt are likely going to be the more repeated patterns. The repeated patterns are ultimately going to be the ones that produce the bigger results in our lives.
One long, grueling workout each month will not help us lose weight. three to five 30 minute workouts each week will help us lose weight, gain strength, and create a habit of healthy activity that will serve us well into our later years.
One piece of cake each month will not make us fat and diabetic. One piece of cake everyday will probably not turn out well for us. Eliminating the one small thing, that over time will hurt us, has the power to free us from many negative consequences.

It is up to the individual as to whether the big impact of small is negative or positive. I personally coach against there being neutral ground. time has proven to me that progress is being made in one direction or another; you’re either making net gains or sustaining net losses.
As we recall the small pebble in the pond, imagine with me for a moment… each day you wake, you engage in small practices that over time make big differences. You will think small thoughts that shift your mind and heart in ways you do not imagine until multiple days, weeks, months, and even years have passed. You will engage in patterns and behaviors that will do the same. At some point, you will take time to reflect and take inventory on how all of the small patterns and behaviors have added up over time. When you do so, will the ripple affect from the stones you have thrown create a positive impact? Will they have made you and the world around you better?
What are your current patterns and behaviors? How are they contributing to a better you and a better world around you?
Here are three simple ways you can ensure the “small” things in your life are making a big difference:

  1. Take inventory on your current reality.
    • which daily habits do you have that are serving you for the better?
    • which daily habits feel neutral? Are they really neutral?
    • which habits are definitely not serving you well?

2) Add/omit “small” practices. Start SMALL

  • Add ONE small practice that over time will make a BIG difference for you in one of four categories – health, wealth, Faith, Relationships
  • Omit ONE small practice that has not been serving you. choose the one that seems to be producing the greatest net loss.

3) Track progress for 60 days.

  • That which is tracked can be improved upon
  • Write down your current state in the category you choose
  • Write down the improvement you would like to see (hint: kind of like a goal)
  • Ensure you practice the addition/omission daily and track it – you can create a simple pdf, or spreadsheet tracker to check off each day. this will allow you to look and see how you are doing.
  • In 60 days Take 30 minuets out of your day to do an after action review to see the difference! Congratulations! Now its time to do it again!

Written by:
Paul Beam

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